Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Now now, Japan. That's just mean.

Kotaku reported that the Japanese website Akiba Blog ran a blogpost stating that Dragon Quest IX for the Nintendo DS was going to be released at midnight today. Today being April 1st.

For those NOT in the know, Dragon Quest game releases in Japan are like Harry Potter opening weekends x10.

2000 people lined up outside stores in Akihabara... TWO THOUSAND! Akiba blog might as well have pissed in their cereal.

And apparently, according to the above picture, everyone who lined up has either a penis or a vagina instead of heads. At least, that's what Japanese porn taught me.

Link: ドラゴンクエスト9本日発売!秋葉原で2000人以上の行列が
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GTA in the bedroom is hazardous to a wife's health.

I would like you to stop calling me about those fucking beeg american teetees cohsin!

So a 62 year-old man ended up stabbing his wife 20 times because she kicked him out of the bedroom so she can play GTA on their son's playstation. Mmhmm...

The defense lawyer has already gone on record stating "The genesis of this tragedy bizarrely lies with the purchase of the PlayStation". RIIIIIIIIIGHT! Don't blame the Genesis for the Playstation's problems, buddy!

Link: Father killed partner who became hooked on Sony PlayStation.
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Achievement Unlocked: Tomb Raider Underworld 1000 achievement points

So I got 1000 achievement points on Tomb Raider Underworld last night. The game was a drastic improvement over the last 2 TR games. Not to say that the last 2 were bad, just that TRU improved upon them significantly. Lara's model is now motion captured, so now her movements don't look so damn artificial. Also, her model has been aesthetically improved upon the already impressive models from the last 2 games(I, admittedly, have a nonsensical crush on Lara Croft for a while now).

The puzzles in the game were a bit in the easy side though. Did people complain after Tomb Raider Anniversary's release that the puzzles were too hard or something? It definitely wasn't as rewarding in TRU to solve the puzzles as it was in both Legend and Anniversary. Although, gone are the annoying time trial achievements from the previous 2 games. Halle-fucking-lujah! Even the collectible-type achievements were easier to get this time around.

Story was well written, albeit short, and added more to the ongoing story that has been lingering in the last 2 installments. I guess you can say this is a trilogy of sorts since the ending of the "Lara's Shadow" DLC shows a definite conclusion to it.

It's really too bad that even with all the improvements Crystal Dynamics made, they still haven't improved upon some of the series' fundamental flaws such as a sometimes erratic camera and poor adjustment of the controls with said erratic camera. Often times, I found myself having Lara plunge to her death towards the opposite side of where I wanted her to jump because the controls had not adjusted quickly enough to the changing camera angles. Still, it's a small complaint that, if you've played previous TR games, you can work around.

Close but no cigar for TRU, but still fun nonetheless.
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SE launches FF Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers website. Wants to gauge YOUR interest.

Square-Enix launched the official website for their latest Wii game; FFCC:TCB. The site's pretty sparse on featues right now, but there are 2 grayed out options on the site called "It's gonna be a long night" and "Public Spectacle" respectably. From how it looks, it seems these are going to be unlocked based on how many clicks the site gets as evidenced by the "More visits, More movies" text flashing on top of them. So get to clickin' weeaboos!

I wasn't a big fan of FFCC on the gamecube, but I'm willing to give this one a try. Now, if only I can get over my arms tiring out whenever I play a Wii game for more than 10 minutes, I'll be good to go to play this with my friends when it comes out.
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PS2 drops to $99. Yay?

As Kotaku had reported last week, Sony had an announcement to make today, the 31st of March. So this morning Sony made the announcement that the PS2 is dropping it's price to $99.

Umm... yippee?

Edit: In other news; Microsoft doesn't give a shit.
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EXTRA EXTRA!! Suikoden Tierkreis starts series in new "infinity worlds". Stars of Destiny from previous installments nowhere to be found!

As favorable as the reviews are for Suikoden Tierkreis, the idea of the game itself kinda puts me in a bind. On one hand; the game captures the feel of the previous Suikoden games pretty spot-on. But on the other hand; this may very well be a reboot of the series.

The game is fun, I'm near it's end but it's just not the same Suikoden if the later installments don't add to the overall world of the series. I'm just really hoping the Suiko team at Konami doesn't forget Murayama's vision of the series.
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Obama could use some pointers from Metal Wolf Chaos

What's a president to do when he finds his soldiers are in trouble? Send in reinforcements you say? Well, in Metal Wolf Chaos, the president is all the reinforcement we need. And the reason is: HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

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Left 4 Dead with 11 other survivors makes for a bloody good time.

I still have about 10 achievements left to get on L4D. One of them being the "Beat one campaign on expert" achievement and another being the "Zombie Genocidiest". Lucky for PC users, there's a way to get the former rather easily. Albeit through a whole lotta hoop-jumping with modding. But in the end, engaging in a 12-person zombie massacre is enough reason to jump through them hoops.

I just wish there were some DLC that would allow this on the Xbox360 version, since that's where I primarily play this
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